Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March Update

 Marching On...

As the semester passes its halfway mark, I'm left with lots of thoughts on what the future holds, while also looking back and seeing how much God has been working these last few months. This month, we've had several more opportunities to interact and engage with students outside playing games which has been so much fun with the warmer weather. Here are some of the things we've been up to...

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

February Update

 A Chilly February

Wow, what a month! The last time I remember it snowing that much in February was back when I was in Elementary School. Nonetheless, we were still able to provide opportunities for students to be involved and relied more on our remote connectedness to help alleviate any boredom there was without power. God still showed us that we are equipped enough to handle situations like this and that He is still in full control.

April Update

Spring is in full season! That means allergies... The semester is coming to a close, yet there are still so many things happening! God has b...